11th AfSBT Congress

27 March, 2023


#AFSBT CONGRESS | 4-7 March, 2024, afsbtkampala

UBTS is honoured to host the 11th AFSBT CONGRESS

We extend our invitation to the all Health Care Workers, Blood Donors, Information Technology players, Medical Equipment manufacturers, Social Workers, SMEs, Scientists and the general public to this colorful event.

Lookup to meeting, interacting and interacting with key players and people in the Blood Transfusion Industry. don't miss the insights and new technologies in blood transfusion.

Who you should expect to grace the event?

Dr. Saliou Diop- President Elect, AFSBT and Speaker-Haematology and Blood Transfusion Professor
Dr. Faten Moftah - President, AFSBT
Prof. Sarit Sibinga
Prof. Dora Mbanga

For more information, can contact the Organising Committee on

Come advance your knowledge, network and contribute to blood transfusion.



UBTS is honoured to host the 11th AfSBT CONGRESS

UBTS cordially invites Health Care Workers, Blood Donors, Information Technology players, Medical Equipment Manufacturers, Social Workers and the General Pbulic to the official launch of the 11th AfSBT CONGRESS, at Golden Tulip Canaan Hotel.

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